Policy and Procedures
In order to establish good governance in the organization, the organization gives significant importance on the implementation of various rules and procedures that include (i) Rules of Business for Micro-finance and Micro-enterprise, (ii) Staff Service Rules, (iii) Accounting and Financial Procedures and Rules, (iv) Internal Audit Manual, (v) Human Resource and Administrative Manual, (vi) Program Implementation Manual, (vii) Gender Policy, and (viii) New Branch Opening Policy (ix)Training Center Operations Manual.
Working Committees
Seven different committees are functioning with cross-functional departments to develop greater cohesion and integration towards achieving the goals of the organization. The committees are: (i) Recruitment and Promotion Committee, (ii) Gender Committee, (iii) Sales & Purchase Committee, (iv) Land Purchase Committee, (v) Disaster Management Committee, (vi) Committee for Building Construction, and (vii) Committee for Old Papers Disposal. All committees are approved by the governing body.
Policy on Gender, Equal Opportunities, Social Justice
BURO Bangladesh maintains gender policy emphasizing on equal opportunities and social justice irrespective of caste, creed and religion. The major thrust of the organization is given on the opportunities to the accesses of the women community that promote their rights in the family, and society. All the programs that BURO implements stress on the women community and facilitate their development in order to uplift their standard of living and to minimize the discriminatory gap that exists between men and women in terms of recognition, acceptance and social and economical status.
The policy objective of gender policy is to promote equal opportunities of women community at all levels of the organization in consonance with their competencies, their equal access to resources and services, equality in representation, authority and decision making, equality of rights etc.. The gender policy has been considered primarily to reflect in (a) individual attitudes, and behavior (b) programmatic outcomes, and (c) organizational systems.
BURO is highly opposed to any form of violence against women at the family, community and state level. It continuously upholds and makes attempts that protect the rights of women community at all spheres of life. In order that women emancipation can be enhanced thru mainstreaming gender relations, the customers of the organization are mostly the women who are to participate in organizational activities transforming them into equal participants as that of the males in the self-employment or wage labor job market. Further, the women customers of the organization also learn the modus operandi to access loans from the formal financing institutions.
At organizational level, the female staffs are given the preferences in their recruitment according to their competencies for the respective position. Not only, flexibilities also exist for employment with reasonable status in the competitive market, are given opportunities to their exposure in the external environment for gathering knowledge, improving their skill, and promoting the participation of the females in their forum, are provided with reasonable opportunities for maternity leave in consonance with the declarations of international conventions, etc..
All in all, BURO Bangladesh is uncompromising on questions of promoting women’s rights in accessing available opportunities in the market, and mainstreaming gender relations that ensure mutual respects to males and females in the society
Women empowerment
Women empowerment is one of the significant initiatives of BURO Bangladesh. At present BURO has been serving about 10, 00,000 poor people where almost all of them are female. In group discussion on different social issues, literacy related issue, counting, problem analysis; dowry, early marriage and different rights based issues. If any conflict is created in community then the participants take initiative for solving the problems immediately and side by side the Group members make aware the community about demerits of the above mentioned issues.
One of the major interventions is empowerment for poor and vulnerable households for their food security and nutritional improvement by ensuring access to the control of production means (land, labour, capital and knowledge). Mobilizing women to income from crop production activities. Boosting production and productivity both on farm and off-farm sector by them. This economical empowerment enabled them to create their access to other areas and over time, they were able take part leadership in their family, group, organization, and greater society. Overtime, project had an ultimate goal to establish representation of women in all decision making floor.