BURO Bangladesh considers monitoring, evaluation and reporting as integral entities in its services delivery mechanism from the internal to external environment (direct and indirect stakeholders) .
Monitoring of BURO works in a cyclic process using the plan of operation as the tool and beginning for process monitoring in implementing programs. BURO looks into the changes in customers’ lives by monitoring process using indicators at the activity and output level. The qualitative indicators look into the behavior, attitude and opinion of the customers about the services given by the organization. The indicators about the qualitative changes among, and quantitative achievements (particularly for different services provided) usually monitored by the respective Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. BURO possess a separate monitoring unit with skilled staff.
Evaluation is being carried out both internally and thru employing from the external environment in collaboration with the donor. The external evaluators are commissioned by the respective donor but in consultation with each other where the monitoring information work as the basis for external evaluation which is further strengthened by them directly observing the changes among the customers of the organization has a Monitoring and Reporting Unite.
Reporting system
BURO Bangladesh maintains reporting according to the requirements of the stakeholders in the internal and external environment of the organization. The reporting in the internal environment is practiced for decision making by the management at three different hierarchies of the organization: branch level, zonal level and head office level. On the other hand, the stakeholders in the external environment constitute primarily (1) the donors community, (2) the national commercial banks (NCBs), (3) the private commercial banks, (4) the government concerned agencies, and finally (5) the NGO sector. Information with the mentioned five different stakeholders is shared at regular intervals and requirements of the respective stakeholder. But, the annual report that BURO publishes regularly together with the annual audit report is shared with the staff in the internal environment and five different stakeholders in the external environment. The following Flow chart will to get a clear picture of BURO reporting system perform all the related job.