Listening to Customers
- Respecting the customers as valued clients.
- The program pivots on customers’ choice.
- Rules and regulations change to the wishes of customers.
Customers Empowerment
- Access to flexible and quality financial services for the poor.
- Money management capacity through savings and loan activities.
- Customer responsiveness as a key to the development of our organization.
Access to Information
- The customers have every right to tally the passbooks with branch level transaction.
- Customers have right to know what BURO Bangladesh is doing with their savings.
Financial Service is a right of the Poor Customers
- The customers need a safe place to keep savings.
- The customers have every right to withdraw savings whenever necessary.
- Customers have a right for loan for the development and increasing income.
Quality Financial Service
- Service that is timely.
- Service that is prompt and quick.
- Service that meets the customers’ needs.
- Service that the customers can afford.
Financial Prudence
- Cost recovery principle for service delivery to the customers.
- Capacity to mobilize funds from commercial sources or market.
- Capacity for financial management, audit and control.
Good Governance
- Strategic vision/mission: A long-term perspective about what is needed by the customers, and BURO Bangladesh.
- Responsiveness: Serving the interests of all stakeholders.
- Transparency: A free flow of information between the organization and concerned stakeholders.
- Accountability: Decision-makers must be answerable to the stakeholders and the organization.
Social and Development Commitment
- Works with social mission to contribute poverty reduction.
- Pursues commercial objective to provide sustainable microfinance service.